New York City 9/11 Ground Zero Participant Claims Attorneys
Helping Clients File a 9/11 Ground Zero Workers’ Compensation Claim in New York
The September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center towers were a truly historical event with catastrophic global consequences that reverberate to this day. But those who responded to the attacks, rescued victims trapped beneath the rubble, and cleaned up the dust and debris that littered the surrounding streets are all too often forgotten.
All participants in the Ground Zero rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts in the year following the attacks have been and continue to be at risk of developing severe and debilitating respiratory, gastrointestinal, and psychological conditions as a result of their exposure to that environment—and many have already developed these conditions.
If you participated in 9/11 Ground Zero rescue, recovery, or cleanup efforts and have been diagnosed with a related injury, illness, or medical condition, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. At Schotter Millican, LLP, we proudly represent individuals in Ground Zero participant claims, helping these often-unsung heroes recover the rightful benefits they are owed.
To learn more, call Schotter Millican, LLP, at (718) 550-0610 and set up a free case review with one of our New York City 9/11 Ground Zero participant claims lawyers.
State Laws Protecting 9/11 Ground Zero Workers & Volunteers
Following the devastating 9/11 terrorist attacks, the state legislature added Article 8-A to the New York Workers’ Compensation Law.
This was done to specifically cover workers and even some volunteers who participated in post-9/11 rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts between September 11, 2001 and September 12, 2002 in the following areas:
- Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street and west of Pike Street
- The Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island
- The New York City morgue or the temporary morgue locations on the west side of Manhattan
- Barges traveling between the west side of Manhattan and the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island
Whereas injured workers in New York must typically file a workers’ compensation within two years of the date of the work-related accident, injury, or illness.
Article 8-A dispenses with the two-year statute of limitations on any 9/11:
- Rescue
- Recovery
- Or cleanup-related workers’ compensation claim
Who Is Eligible for 9/11 Ground Zero Workers' Comp Claims?
To be eligible, a participant must be properly registered as a 9/11 Ground Zero rescue, recovery, or cleanup participant with the Workers’ Compensation Board.
Given that many of the medical conditions that 9/11 rescue, recovery, and cleanup participants are at risk of developing take many years to develop, the removal of the two-year statute of limitations is only fair. No matter how many years have passed, you could be entitled to benefits if you developed a health condition related to your post-9/11 rescue, recovery, or cleanup activities.
What Are the Common Health Conditions Associated with 9/11 Rescue, Recovery & Cleanup Efforts?
When the Twin Towers fell, they released thousands of tons of debris, including pulverized concrete and over 2,500 other contaminants, resulting in a “wildly toxic” cloud of dust.
Additionally, the fires burning at Ground Zero for a period of about three months released unprecedented amounts of harmful substances, including dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Many of the substances dispersed in the collapse, including asbestos and lead, are known carcinogens.
Others have been connected with a variety of health conditions, including:
- Heart
- Kidney
- Liver
- Respiratory
- Gastrointestinal
- And nervous system problems
Some of the most common health conditions associated with the collapse of the World Trade Center towers and the following rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts include:
- Cancer
- Respiratory disease
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Asthma
- Sleep apnea
- Silicosis (lung disease)
- Pulmonary fibrosis (lung scarring)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Anxiety disorders
- Rhinosinusitis (dual nasal and sinus infection)
- Depression
These and other health conditions related to 9/11 rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts can have debilitating effects on individuals and their families. If you have been affected, you do not have to suffer alone. Our New York City 9/11 workers’ compensation attorneys are here to help you seek the fair compensation you are rightfully owed.
What Benefits Can 9/11 Ground Zero Rescue, Recovery & Cleanup Participants Receive?
Under the state’s workers’ compensation laws, eligible injured workers are entitled to receive the following benefits:
- Medical care and treatments paid for by the worker’s self-insured employer or the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier
- Replacement of lost wages equal to 2/3 the worker’s average weekly wage, as well as compensation for permanent partial or total disability
- Vocational rehabilitation (in some cases) for retraining and workforce reentry-related costs, such as educational courses and materials
- Reimbursement for various out-of-pocket expenses related to the worker’s injury, such as mileage reimbursement for travel to and from medical appointments
Workers' Compensation Death Benefits
Tragically, many 9/11 Ground Zero rescue, recovery, and cleanup participants lost their lives due to the harmful exposure they experienced and the related medical conditions they suffered.
Workers’ compensation death benefits may be available for:
- Surviving spouses
- Domestic partners
- Children
- And family members
Contact our New York City 9/11 Ground Zero participant claims lawyers today to learn more during a complimentary consultation.
What Proof Do I Need in a 9/11 Ground Zero Workers’ Compensation Claim?
To successfully pursue a claim, you will need to provide evidence that:
- You Were Present at Ground Zero: The first step in filing a workers’ compensation lawsuit is proving that you worked or volunteered at or near Ground Zero during the 9/11 recovery efforts. This can be done through employment records, pay stubs, volunteer logs, or affidavits from co-workers, supervisors, or organizations involved in the recovery efforts. The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) also has a registry of individuals exposed to the toxins at Ground Zero, which can serve as evidence of your presence during that period.
- Your Condition Is Linked to Ground Zero Exposure: Next, you must establish a link between your health condition and exposure to toxic substances at Ground Zero. This often involves obtaining medical records, including a diagnosis from a doctor, that explicitly states the condition was caused by or exacerbated by your work at the site. Ground Zero workers have suffered from various illnesses, many of which have been recognized as associated with the exposure during the cleanup efforts. Your medical provider must document the specific diagnosis and explain how it relates to your work at Ground Zero.
- Filing Within the Applicable Deadlines: Workers’ compensation claims are subject to strict filing deadlines and in cases involving 9/11 Ground Zero workers, the state of New York has extended the time limits for claims related to 9/11 exposure. The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) and the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act provide extended deadlines for certain illnesses, but it is crucial to file as soon as possible to avoid missing any critical deadlines.
What Types of Cancer is Linked to This Incident
Many types of cancers have been linked to this incident for ground zero workers, including:
- Prostate
- Breast
- Skin melanoma
- Lymphoma
- Neuroendocrine
- Oropharynx
- Rectum
- Colon
- Leukemia
- Thyroid
- Kidney
- Lung
If you have been diagnosed with any of these cancers, you may be eligible for The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).
Contact Our NYC 9/11 Ground Zero Workers ' Compensation Lawyer Today
In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, New York City residents came together—it is only right that those affected by the toxic chemicals and substances released by the Twin Towers should be cared for in return. At Schotter Millican, we are proud to represent individuals who participated in post-9/11 rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts and are dedicated to fighting for their rights.
Filing a workers’ compensation claim doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you or your loved one developed a respiratory, gastrointestinal, psychological, or related medical condition as a result of participating in 9/11 Ground Zero rescue, recovery, or cleanup activities, contact Schotter Millican to learn how we can help you seek the fair benefits you are owed.
Our multilingual staff assists clients in English, Spanish, and Polish—hablamos español. Mowimy po polsku. There are no legal fees for you unless we recover compensation on your behalf.
Were you or someone your love part of the Ground Zero rescue, recovery, or clean up? Have you suffered from injuries or illness as a result? Contact Schotter Millican today at (718) 550-0610 to schedule a free case review with our NYC 9/11 ground zero workers' compensation attorney.

Why Choose Schotter Millican, LLP?
Workers' Compensation can be confusing, but we're here to make sure you have everything you need.
We'll push farther for our clients - when other firms may throw in the towel, we'll dig in deeper.
We have been involved in worker activism for decades, and we care deeply about you and your case.
Our attorneys have a long history of large appellate wins, so you can feel confident in our experience.
You will be trained by us to know how to videotape the independent medical examinations (IME) to protect your rights.
We're not afraid of a challenge, and we'll use our experience to win even the most complicated cases.